Saturday, September 18, 2010

Session 3: OVER....

When I think back on this year, I'll remember session 2 as the hardest session in nursing school, but session 3 was definitely the biggest pain in the ass. It just seemed impossible to catch up, the clinicals were far away and at weird hours and we had these massive four-hour lectures.

But it's over... And I had five days off in a row that felt like about 15 minutes. And then... back to school.

Ugh. I just don't feel like going back to school. I feel like going to bed. I'm just not sure I can learn much more. My tiny brain just can't take it. And with the kids back in school, we are so busy all the time with activities and school schedules. But, I'm sure I'll get through the next 12 weeks somehow.

Now, that's a depressing blog. But that's really all I have for now.


Julia M. said...

You can do it!! We believe in you!!

If encouraging exclamated (I made this word up) comments don't help, then here's another try -- just take it day by day. 12 weeks sounds unbearable, but getting through one day is certainly manageable.

Sorry for sounding all self-helpy.

Christine said...

Don't be sorry at all. I appreciate the pep talk. I really do. After my second class today, I felt better. I have three amazing teachers in what will probably be the most important class of the program. I was much more excited after class today, which is a good sign.

You can do it, too!!! We'll regroup next summer with beer and fried food (or wine and mixed greens if we're in Berkeley).