Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Well. I just quit my first job. It was a very difficult decision for me to make because I am not someone who quits things easily. I just avoided phone calls for three weeks because I didn't want to tell our babysitter that the girls will not be going to her this summer. I hate to drop that kind of last minute news on her.

Steve reminded me that it's February. I think I have a problem.

On less quitty news, I had parent-teacher conferences with Carol's teacher this week. She is doing amazing. The strides she's made academically are astounding. She's gone from being at the very bottom of her class in almost everything, to the high end of average on most things. And she's so interested in school, which is new. She had talked about the stuff she was working on in class (such as a position paper as to why cats make better pets than dogs, or why students should get 50 minutes of recess every day) so I wasn't surprised when her teacher handed them to me. Instead, I was delighted.

But socially... sigh.... still a struggle. I think back to this time last year and how much better socially she is. It's hard to convey just how hard things were for her last year.

She's making progress. She invited a friend to her house... And her friend came over! She talks about the other kids and how nice they are to her. While it's a major improvement, she has these behaviors that just make her a little odd. The teacher even threw out the term Aspergers (although the more Steve and I consider it, the more unlikely it seems) and said it's quite possibly ADHD. If her behavioral tics don't improve, I'm sort of dreading those middle school years. They can be hard even on the most popular kids. For Carol, it might be a nightmare, especially considering she lives with the social queen of the world. Miss Penny.

I'm thinking Daria might be a show we should consider saving.

For now, I'm just super pleased with the progress she's made. We are so fortunate to be a part of Metcalf. I can't imagine another school that would take a kid like Carol and mold her into the awesome person she's becoming, rather than shoving her in the corner. We are lucky, lucky, lucky indeed.

Especially for a bunch of quitters.

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