Friday, July 13, 2012

And that's how you make mom cry

This has been a busy summer. We've been riding bikes around town. Going to the pool. Hanging out in the backyard. Obviously, we've been much, MUCH too busy to peruse the internets.

But I just had to write about a package Carol received this week. It was soft, so I figured she left a jacket or some pants or something of a clothy nature at a friend's house, and they politely mailed them back to her. I didn't open it until she got home.

In the package was two stuffed rats. I'll admit. I didn't so much like where this was going. Who is sending rats to my daughter in the mail?!?! Because that's just weird.

But inside was a letter from Carol's librarian (the most wonderful teacher in the world) at Metcalf (the most wonderful school in the world). I can't possibly convey the message without just quoting it here.

Dear Carol,
I remember one day how you were so gentle and caring when others were saying how bad rats were. You are a lot like me when I was a little girl. You have a wonderful heart. I hope you always choose to be wise and careful but continue to see the possibility for beauty in all things. In honor of your kind heart, please give a good home to two of my creatures. Choose one and share one with you little sister.
And that, my friends, is how you make mom cry.

1 comment:

Julia M. said...

Umm, that made me tear up a little bit too. What a wonderful librarian! And how wonderful that Carol is such an animal lover. (I'll never forget the conversations about bullfighting in Spain :-) )