Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sick and two

My little Penny woke up this morning in quite a state. I got back from running to find her sitting on the couch, acting very morose. I thought she was just worried about not being able to find me, but then she threw up all over the couch, checking my ego and starting a vomiting trend that was not soon to end.

Fun stuff. Carolyn is unaffected and seems to be enjoying a morning of Sesame Street and Popsicles.

On a possibly unrelated note, Penny really showcased her desire to disagree with anything I say yesterday. Penny, I say. You can't stand in the doorway without pants.

"But I don't like pants," she screamed.

"Then get out of the door," I say.

"But I like the door."

Here's Penelope a few days ago, feeling just fine.

1 comment:

Eric and Julie said...

Hope Penny feels better soon. Isaac had that a few days ago, ran a fever, too. He threw up all over Eric and the couch. Good thing he'd had alot of fruit punch gatorade beforehand. You know, the red stuff.
