Monday, April 22, 2013


For a long time, we have used a point system for allowances. For every chore the girls do, they get a star. For every star, they get a quarter.

I know. I'm a genius... Right!!!

But it was a flawed system. The girls, carol on particular, aren't all that concerned with money. There is rarely an instance where they feel compelled to buy something. They like having extra cash for the ice cream truck and maybe a toy,but they just weren't all that into it. And as a result, they weren't very concerned with chores.

But all that as changed. I've decided to change the system. For every star they earn, they get 15 minutes of video game time.

My house has never been so clean.

But after this weekend, I'm thinking it might e TOO good of an idea. They were literally doing one chore, playing 15 minutes, for a big large of the weekend. I created two monsters. Or two addicts. Or maybe a combo.

And this picture doesn't have anything to do with video games, other than to document they did make it outside briefly this weekend.

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