Sunday, April 22, 2007

Complain, complain

It's so nice outside. Nearly 80. Sunny. Breezy.

Problem is, the girls and I feel like crap. Total, snotty crap. And not to complain, although I really, really feel like complaining, but I wanted to note this because I can't figure out if it's allergies or just a cold. I think we might have all gotten snotty last year at this time, but since my memories spans two, three days at the most, it's hard to know for sure.

And so God created blogs.

Here's a funny side note. Carolyn has taken to telling Steve not to fart in her room. It's pretty funny.

"Daddy, don't fart in my room."

Sure thing, he tells her. No farting.

Then she says, "Cause it gets louder and louder and louder and louder."

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