Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I was only gone THREE days

Steve, recently deemed St. Husband by my mom and aunt, is really a great guy. While I was in Michigan the last three days to see my dad, Steve sent me this video for my birthday.

See!!! That's seriously the sweetest, most touching thing anybody has ever done for me. The big lug.

Also, he tended to the girls, endured a killer stomach bug (which I have also, which we believe to be gifted from Penny earlier in the week) and always helped me make tough decisions. He really is great.

But in three days, he made lots of little stupid husband mistakes. Since his sainthood means I won't actually nitpick him apart right here, for fear of massive retribution from my family, I will say that when I left on Saturday, Carolyn was just a sweet, forthright 3-year-old.

I came home to find her a seasoned liar.

Fibbing is probably more accurate, and she's not even all that good at it.
One day, she was kind of grumpy when Steve asked her what sound cows make.

"I don't know," she said.
Steve asked her if they say, "Moo."
"No, they don't say Moo," she said. "The say Do."
Really, Steve said. Do?
"Yes," she told him. "They used to say Moo. Now they say Do."

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

And yes, I blame Steve. St. Husband Steven James Gardner made our perfectly sweet daughter into a liar. And secretly, I think he's kind of proud...

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