Friday, February 01, 2008

Oh Mann....

Apparently, in the last week, we've become a Nick Jr. family. And in the infamous words of Swiper, the foxy nemesis of our beloved heroine Dora, "Oh Mann."

Busy, busy. But I always have time for my favorite Penelope moment. Today after nap, she was pretending to lay back down in her new favorite game, nap time. So I go into her room after a few minutes and here is what I find.

She's holding her blankie in one hand, and my credit card in the other, planning some sort of extravagant shopping trip for designer jeans or something. Seriously.

Carolyn is great. All she really wants is her supply of Nick Jr. magazines (see where we're going with this) and a steady supply of outside. I love that she doesn't care that it's 2 degrees. Girlfriend needs her fresh air.

In fact, I recently came across a Canadian playgroup that only meets outside. It's kind of their point. And their motto? There is no bad weather... Just bad clothing.

I love it. If I was the type of person that started playgroups, I'd totally start that one.

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