Sunday, March 11, 2012

On our way

We made it to the airport. And, I have to say, traveling with older children is proving much easier than the toddler variety.

For starters, we used to set them in front of the television until we were ready to go. This morning, I put those kids to work. Empty the dishwasher. Put your Barbies in this bin. Get an extra water dish for Charlie.

Oh wait! You did that already? Without being asked? Whaaaat?

And our luggage situation is much better. Two checked bags and each of us have a carry on, that we each have to carry. That wouldn't have gotten us through a weekend car trip 5 years ago.

So we leave with optimism, excitement and a belly full of Panera. Not a shabby start.

Edit: Also. Sitting together on the plane. Awesome

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