Friday, August 04, 2006

You win this round Semco Energy

I realize I'm heading down a dangerous, crazy-old-person-marking-the-newspaper-up-with-a-red-pen path here, but I feel very strongly that I am in the right and I never, ever feel that way.

But today, when I was so sure I was right, I sent a letter to the editor (please stop shaking your head) to the paper I used to work for. They can't publish it, citing a policy of not running letters about disputes between customers and companies. I say it's not a dispute. Semco Energy and I agree on two key points — I'll pay them the $11 they want, and I'm not happy about it.

Well, rules are rules. Here's the letter. I knew I created this blog for a reason.

I sold my Battle Creek home at the end of June and tied up all my utility bills, or so I thought. I was charged $11 from Semco for a “customer service” fee for three days of service, June 27 to 29. It seems that even though they didn’t check my meter, and even though I didn’t use any gas, everybody gets this charge.(note* If I had cancelled service on the 26th, which, for whatever reason, is the last day of my cycle, I would not have received this charge.) I called to say I thought this was unreasonable and the very polite lady said there was nothing she could do. Oh course there is, Semco. You could do the right thing. I realize this company is blamed for many problems beyond its control, but throwing its giant corporate arms into the air in an “Oh well” gesture might be part of its public image problem. Semco can have the $11, but I have a good memory and one day might come across a choice between Semco and another company and there will be nothing I can do.

1 comment:

slmcanal said...

It's feels so helpless. I hate fighting those big companies. Even just in my mind. It's tiring.