Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day revisited

Despite the missing stroller wheel. Despite the unsold car. Despite the toddler who recently refuses to go to bed and instead screams to the point of almost throwing up.

I had the best Mother's Day ever.

Steve, unshaken by my breakdown at the park after the stroller incident, let me sleep in, never lost his temper from my completely irrational foul mood and cooked me the most delicious dinner of shrimp and steak. He took the girls out the day before, helped them make me mother's day cards and bought me some "all natural" lotions, one of which Carolyn picked out and smells like lemon icebox pudding.

And, he bought me the new Tori Amos CD. He hates Tori Amos.

Sometimes, when you're little girl screams because she doesn't want to go to bed, or her sister pinches you because you won't let her dance on the dining room table, you might think motherhood isn't cut out for you. But then you realize how much they love you, and how much you love them, and the constant need to sweep the dining room floor doesn't seem as important.

I am truly lucky.

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