Saturday, May 13, 2006

I'm the luckiest mom around

Tonight, for my pre-Mother's Day meal, Carolyn and I had pan-fried lake perch, jasmine rice and steamed asparagus. Yum. Steve's working, so he missed out.

You hear that Steve, missed out (Steve doesn't think not getting a serving of fish is missing out).

Carolyn was so awesome. Penelope was crying a little while I was making dinner. Then I hear her laugh. Carolyn is playing with her... ahhh.

Then I put Penny in the highchair while I get the food ready to serve. I look over and see Carolyn feeding Penny her mushy green beans.... double ahhh.

Because she was such a girl and because it's Mother's Day eve, we went to Dairy Queen for dessert.

Here's a totally awesome video of the girls. It's the only Mom's Day present I need, but diamonds are always nice.

1 comment:

The Jacobs said...

Happy belated mother's day. You have the most beautiful girls. And they are so happy! It almost sounds as if Carolyn is saying "sissy happy" at one point in the video.

Look at you. Getting all spiffy with your multimedia blog.