Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Good parenting feels so bad

Punishing Carolyn sucks. If I yell, sometimes it just makes things worse, especially if I use that voice usually reserved for yelling at Fife (my fat beagle) to come. It’s screeching and would sound irrational even if I were shouting quantum theory. I’m not sure quantum theory is a real thing, but you get the drift.

So sometimes, especially when I’m very angry at Carolyn (usually for trying to gouge out Penelope’s eyes), I quietly take away whatever toy she’s playing with, pick up Penelope and leave the room, and leave Carolyn behind. I don’t even shut the door.

The other night I did this when Carolyn was playing with what I’ll call “box of crap,” or some random, cheap toys in a shoebox. She pushed Penelope down by the forehead and held her head to the floor. So I gathered up the crap, uh toys, put them in the closet, took Penelope and left.

For about two minutes, Carolyn sat there plotting her next move. At last she tried some other toys, like the ball popper, until it was too much. She started to bawl.

I went in there to explain that she shouldn’t push Penny, it isn’t nice. I gave her back the box and she picked out one toy and said, “share.”

That was just too much. I told her I know her sister can be a pain, constantly grabbing at her stuff, but if she’s angry she should tell me to take her away.

Carolyn put down the toy. Then she said, “Mommy, TAKE Penny.”

Could it be that I’m getting through?

1 comment:

slmcanal said...

I HOPE you are getting through. Never having had a little sister or brother I cannot imagine how the older ones can be so mean!