Wednesday, April 30, 2008

And the leave en mass

For two weeks, my little family has hosted either house guests, dogs or some combination of both. And now, they are gone.

I'm feeling a slight load lifted, but also a little sad. Also a little hung over.

First, my mom was here for a little trip before she moves to Minnesota for the summer. My aunt and grandfather, who were in Vegas for the winter, were driving home and needed mom's help because my grandfather is 92, and while in very good shape, still 92.

So my mom left her little, blind terrier, Princess, and her super awesome hound mix, Buster (strangely, both from me and Battle Creek), while she went to Vegas. Buster was able to get me out of bed nearly every morning pre-dawn to go running. Yes, running!

So last night, we had everybody, plus my aunt's giant German shepherd, at the house for dinner. And this morning we bid them all a safe trip home.

And this afternoon? Nap. Playground. Leisurely bike ride.

Wow. After reading that, I don't even feel hung over anymore. I love guests.

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