Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Oh Penny

I was just checking my e-mail when I turned around and saw this:

Penny stealing coins out of my wallet. Now, while you might think stealing is a rather strong term in regard to a 2-year-old, I tell you my little Penny is crafty enough that it nearly applies.

Oh my Penny. She's about the sweetest little thing ever, aside from the stealing and the total disregard for my potty training efforts. Around strangers, she's even a little shy.

And here's my absolute favorite thing. She's totally content to be alone. Steve said she drew in her coloring books for about an hour by herself yesterday. And today, with Carolyn in school and my recovering from the novacaine used to install my brand new gold tooth, Penny being able to entertain herself is about the best gift any mother could have.

As a special thanks, I just gave her purse with her very own plastic cards (not credit, not yet), an empty compact and an old cell phone. That's Penelope's idea of the perfect gift.

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