Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Again with the Christmas cheer

I'm trying. Honest I am. We listened to an all-Christmas music station on Pandora yesterday. I turn on the Christmas tree lights every morning. I hold the door for people and let them merge into my lane.

I want to be filled with the holiday spirit.

But it's not easy. For instance, we're having electrical problems so my oven doesn't work. The car's heater stopped working today at the same instant I screamed "I'll take every one of those presents under the tree back to the store if you don't stop crying because you can't eat a banana in the car." I'm mentally preparing to tell Carolyn's swim coaches that I want her back in swimming lessons because since she started swim team, well, she's forgotten how to swim. Steve tells me it's not my fault Carolyn's 4 years old, but I can't help but think that it is.

I am broken and blue. Ho-ho-ho...

So I just cleaned out the garage in single-digit degree weather because it's snowing really bad, and without a car heater, it's impossible to get the snow off the car. This little project has helped me face reality — I hung the bikes from their very high ceiling hooks (this is not something I do often because it forces me to chant "Be stronger, be taller, be stronger" as I hoist these very heavy bikes above my head) and folded the Burley in the realization that winter is here, and I am once again contemplating how I'll make it until spring.

Ho-ho-ho... Maybe a pot of chili and a six-pack of Czech beer will help. After all, nothing's more fun than a weepy drunk with a belly full of chili. Nothing.

1 comment:

Julia M. said...

Czech beer, you say? Is that my cue to bring something back for you? Though I guess you can also get some pseudo-Czech beer at the grocery stores at home. I was beginning to think you didn't drink anymore (besides a wimpy glass of wine with dinner ;)

Well, sorry about your holiday season woes. I would say it's good you're not here, because Christmas cheer is all over the place... but then it's not snowing at all, so maybe you'd appreciate that!