Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Clean Slate

So I guess this is it, 2008. You've been a good year. Because I felt so accomplished and healthy this year, and because I need things to think about while I run, I've been mentally putting together a list of resolutions for some time now.

It's kind of weird, because I feel like I accomplished so much last year (published in Nick Jr., started running, stopped drinking coffee, went to the dentist after almost 10 years and finally put that nasty cigarette issue to rest) without any reasons, I'm unsure of the need to list out my hopes, other than I really like to make lists.

But this was back in the glory days of 60-degree temps when I was feeling strong and oh-so confident. Winter returned and I once again contemplated how somebody as silly and depressing as me ended up with such a sweet gig. But the sun will return and I'm just hoping my can-do attitude comes along with it.

Thankfully, my memory has retained at least a few of these to-do tidbits, which I will post here as a reminder of what I still need to accomplish. Happy 2009!

1. Run a half marathon (hopefully two!)
2. Get confirmed into the Catholic church
3. At least get the ball rolling on getting my marriage blessed and girls baptized.
4. Get registered as a certified nursing assistant (for application to nursing school next year)
5. Take a statistics class this summer (same reason as above)
6. Blog at least three times a week.
7. Send a query to a national mag at least once a month.
8. Say one Hail Mary for every mean thought I have about somebody.
9. Let the girls help with one dinner each week.
10. Have a garage sale and clean out the basement storage room.
11. Finally take off that last pesky 10 pounds, win bet with Steve and get anything I want.
12. Plant a garden with the girls.
13. I will try to be nicer, mostly to my family. This is kind of vague, but I think my family deserves this effort.
14. Not be so superstitious of the number 13 that I will not end list of resolutions on 13 for fear of bad luck in 2009.
15. Drink one glass of milk everyday.
16. Make an honest attempt to read the newspaper's A section every day.


Julia M. said...

Wow, your list is pretty ambitious. I'm not as ambitious. I haven't even gone so far as to make a list :) But I have to ask - why a glass of milk every day?

Unknown said...

Wow, so many things. I couldn't even remember that many things. Maybe I have that many things, I just can't remember them.

Eric and Julie said...

You quit drinking coffee?? That's insane. Why would anyone do that? But good job on your other accomplishments in 2008!

The Jacobs said...

Congratulations on all that you accomplished last year and best wishes toward achieving your goals in 2009!