Thursday, March 26, 2009

The best kids in the room. Today.

When your 3-year-old pees all over the McDonald's playset at the Chicagoland's toll road travel plaza, what do you do?

Well, when this happened to me early today, I tried as best I could to wipe in up, put on her sister's shoes, keep her from taking off her pants and grab my brand-new cup of Starbuck's tea as I tried to bribe them away from the super-fun slide and into the nearest bathroom without attracting any unnecessary attention.

Thank goodness she was wearing black pants. They are a lot more forgiving then the red shirt I was wearing, which got the brunt of her very wet crotch thrust against it.

This comes at the end of a short trip to Michigan the girls and I took this week. And really, I need to back up a little.

On the trip to Michigan, the girls were as good as I have ever seen them. They were polite to my friends. They were chatty, but not overly so. They were interested in the conversations. God bless the 3 and 5 year old siblings.

Early on the trip, I took them to my favorite fancy café in the even fancier St. Joseph. (I love me some beach towns.) The girls lovingly shared their soup and Carolyn ate more than half my salad. Penny finished lunch before us and she wandered around the table admiring the decor. As I was leaving, the employees behind he counter stopped me to say I had the best behaved children they had ever seen in there.

The best! I was giddy with pride and shock. I told them, shucks, the girls aren't always like this. And just so I wouldn't be a liar or anything, Penny screamed from the travel plaza's parking lot (she was under the impression we would return to playset. Oops!) until I paid the toll worker his 60 cents and threatened her with a blankie-free ride home.

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