Saturday, September 01, 2012

Rainy day blues

This five days a week thing is harder than I thought. My main excuse is I'm, like, clinically depressed. My birthday is coming up. I'm feeling overworked and under appreciated. I'm feeling like the only thing I have to look forward to is more hard work, and then death.

So, basically, what I'm feeling is life.

Today we watched, "West Side Story," in a failed effort to cheer myself up. A Romeo and Juliet story. What's not cheery about that?!?! There was one bright spot, before Tony is gunned down in the playground after having killed his love's brother. And I thought my week was bad.

Tony says, "Good night," and Maria responds, "Buenos noches." And Carol says, "Like he knows what THAT means." I guess it sort of cheered me up.

Gotta go now. The dogs are trying to eat the children. Getting really close to running away from home.

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