Thursday, February 12, 2009

Slightly spring

So, yeah, it's February. So what. Totally feels springish outside and I'm not going to fight that.

Spring, to me, is the very best of seasons. It's the season of hope and expectation. It's for love and dreaming. Spring, as Garrison Keillor has said in one of his Prairie Home Companion rants, is the season that turns us into teenagers.

And who wants that! Certainly not anybody who feels like using her brain.

Good thing spring isn't for using the brain. It's for thinking about being fast and fit . It's for looking forward to mornings outside instead of inside this ever-shrinking house. I love that feeling in my gut that something — something huge — is about to happen, even if it's not. (This is in no way a hint to pregnancy. That is a type of expecting behind me now.)

This is the only time of year I wish would drag its feet. I'm not in a hurry for June. Let April linger just a little longer.

So here's to spring, even in mid-February. After a winter like this, it's a welcome feeling.

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