Friday, June 08, 2007

The perfect first

I've been thinking a little about how Penny's doctor told me I shouldn't compare the girls. After all, they are different people.

But here's something I've thought about. With our first, we only see the things they can do.But with out second,sometimes it's easier to see the things they can't do.

How sad for our seconds. Of course Carolyn loves to read, has an amazing vocabulary and seems a natural actress. Of course Penelope screams all the time, would rather build book towers than actually open the book and won't eat vegetables.

And of course, Penelope sings, climbs things three times taller than herself and hugs unabashedly. And of course, Carolyn isn't perfect.

Case in point....

Lipstick. Purple lipstick. Let's just say none of us is perfect.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

she missed her lipsrgp