Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Summer time

So I never blog anymore. Summer's here and I can't think of anything less appealing than sitting in front of the computer, especially since I've been called to do so pretty often as of late.

But that's neither here nor there. I'm writing strictly for girl news.

Carolyn is still is school and loving it. It's only two hours a day, two days a week, but it's a good chance for her to learn about standing in line and making crafts. We've been taking the bike out every day and I'm still in love. And I mean, IN love.

Some of you have wondered what it looks like. Here's a pic of the girls and me going to the park this afternoon.

Next on the girl news front, Penelope moved to a toddler bed. I wasn't really in a hurry or anything, and she seemed to do fine with the crib. But we moved Carolyn at about 19 months because Penelope was due to arrive and it worked out great. She took right to it. I hear from some parents that it's harder to do when they get 2ish, so we made the change, again with great success, except she keeps falling out at about 5 a.m. That's becoming more infrequent.

Penelope has really been moving toward being a very physical girl. She's coordinated, huggy, noisy and (premature guessing on our part) kind of athletic. We're almost positive it's not genetic.

And today, the girls and I had a great morning. Stealing the idea from a dad we know, I took the girls out on the trail and we cut wild flowers. We went out about 7:30, the weather was amazing, and looked through the prairie plants for pretty flowers. I learned my favorite is called butterfly weed.

Here's our find. Doesn't it kind of look like we bought it?

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