Sunday, June 18, 2006

My colorful kids

Here are the colors of my summer. No, Penelope did not eat a rare steak or get turned into a vampire. That lovely color comes from beets, which have a sweetness few veggies possess. But that color probably keeps them out of commercial production.

That and most adults I know hate beets. It must remind them of communism or something.

And then we have Carolyn, master painter. I took a wardrobe box from our move, painted it white and now it's her first major artist expression. She'll stay inside that silly box for almost an hour coloring with markers. I have to remember to buy some of the washable variety.

Red marker. Pretty on paper. Not pretty on face and arms and legs and belly.


This video is strictly grandma material. It'll bore the pants off most casual iwanagain readers.

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