Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Summer fun

Today is the first day of summer.

Hooray. There’s all kinds of fun stuff to do in the summer.

Take today, for instance. It’s been jam packed and it’s only 1 p.m.

My summer started out at the gym for yoga class. Only my awesome, kick ass, amazing yoga instructor was out, replaced by kick-boxing energy girl who could only teach pilates.

Oh…My….. God…. Every muscle in my body is shaking with fatigue. This is completely true, and hard to believe, but I’m having trouble typing this. I’ll be lucky if I can walk tomorrow.

Oh yoga girl. Come back soon.

Next, the girls and I went downtown for the Bloomington concert series. We brought sandwiches and met Steve down there. Carolyn loves live music. Bless her, she’s not the most coordinated of people, and dancing often results in a car wreck of sorts, but she gives it her all.

There was an incredibly awful group down there today. Three old people and a midi machine.

They “allowed” the kids to come down and sing “Take me out to the ballgame” and then sent them back to their parents to “behave.” I hate to tell him, but none of the three or four dozen moms was there to listen to his crappy music. They were there to let the kids run around, eat lunch and talk to other moms.

Nothing worse for a band then people having a good time. How dare they.

We could only stay about 45 minutes because these lunchtime things always happen smack in the middle of nap time. And Carolyn’s nap isn’t something I’m willing to sacrifice. But I was forced to listen to her scream “downtown” for the entire ride home, which is something I could have done without.

I think I told her we’d go downtown (Normal this time) after her nap. I just hope my wobbly legs will take me that far.

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