Saturday, June 10, 2006

Waiting to exhale, and maybe sleep

Man, do I feel blah.

Not to complain, or to complain too much, but these girls have given me a full week of love. A full week in that they conferred, in what I’ll assume was a secret, possibly illegal, meeting, and decided it was best if one of them was awake with me at all times.

Now, this gesture was probably done out of love, but it has left little time for sleeping. My time away from the girls this week consisted of a trip to the grocery store. And while I appreciate buying pork loin without worrying that Carolyn will take a giant bite from it while I’m not looking, it’s certainly not cocktails with the girls, or shoe shopping, or a day at the beach.

How I would love a day at the beach.

What this family needs is a plan of action. Something to look forward to, besides 8 p.m. when both girls are in bed. Maybe a trip or a project or something.

Some news to brighten our Normal lives.

Maybe it’s a surprise that’s coming next week. Hmmm. Cross your fingers for sweepstakes winner, or even better, an offer on our house.

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