Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A wee chilly

I guess it's winter and all, so I shouldn't be too surprised the weather isn't phenomenal, but it's a tad bit too cold right now to do... well... to do almost anything. We did manage to walk to get Carolyn from school today, but that pretty much rounded out the excitement of our day. At 7 degrees, I felt it was quite an accomplishment.

Instead, we made these really interesting Red Velvet cupcakes from a recipe in, of all place, Runners World. I'm pretty sure most hard-core runners aren't putting a half pound of butter in their cupcakes, but who am I to argue.

I also made pizza and some extra pizza dough for a rainy (snowy) day. Actually, we'll probably use them when it's not snowy or rainy. We'll use them when it finally turns 40 and I decide to spend all day outside at the playground. Even if there is some snow on the ground. In shorts.

As a side note, I just went to the Runners World site and saw a blurb about a recommendation to outlaw talking on cell phones while driving. The National Safety Council just reported driving while talking poses the same risk as drinking and driving. I'm as guilty as anybody of a little chitchat behind the wheel, but I think this is a very, very good thing. Drivers should be concentrating on the task at hand — driving.


Julia M. said...

I think it's already illegal here in California to talk (on cell phone) & drive... Or at least you're required to use a headset if you do.

Re: weather, I'm sorry to hear about your cold spell. Considering this, it's probably impolite for me to mention the unseasonably *warm* weather we're having right now... oops :)

Unknown said...

I agree, talking on the phone while driving is dangerous to EVERYONE on the road. On top of that some people still go 75 while talking. Penny is so pretty